The only tool you need as entrepeneur

We are, a SAAS platform for SMEs.

A small selection of our partners

Justflows Estimate

Quotes and Estimates

Create Unlimited Estimates and Quotes. Create them in your own house-style

Use different templates and designs

Convert Estimates and Quotes directly into invoices

Key features of JustFlows

We aim to be the one-stop SAAS shop for all business types

Customer management

The most advanced customer management made simple

Estimates and Quotes

Create, send, and maintain all your Estimates and Quotes in one place


Never miss an unpaid Invoice. Add a payment link directly to your Invoice


Subscriptions made simple. No more expensive and complex configurations. We do the heavy lifting for you.


Offer all global and local payment methods with just one click.


Understand the why and the what. We can help you understand the data better. Let us create your insights!


Automate your recurring Invoices. You don't have to think about all those recurring payments anymore. We automate it for you.

Connect your Bank account

Connect your bank accounts and update in real-time all your expenses and income.


Create Unlimited Invoices. Create them in your own house-style

Use different templates and designs

Add a payment link to your invoice and make recurring invoices

Justflows Estimate
All your facts right

So much choice and yet so simple

We thought that sending subscriptions and invoices was far too difficult to do over. We make it simple so you don't have to do as much.
Overview of your company
The heart of your company must beat. With our clear charts and tracking, we keep you informed of noteworthy events in your company.
We make complex simple
Subscriptions, Invoices and Quotes. We make sure it's all easy. Complex does not exist with us.
Working faster means higher turnover
Get paid even faster? That's what every entrepreneur wants. We also. That is why we understand what it takes.
Automate your earnings
We ensure that you do not have to worry about sending and processing your invoices and quotations. We take as much out of your hands as possible.

Everything you need to manage your customers and invoices.

We can help you get paid faster.



Easily create subscriptions and automate your income

Subscriptions made simple for everyone

Create subscriptions as simple as stacking blocks

You determine the color of your company.

Your own logo and styling so that your customers recognize your own trusted company

From idea to result

Start with your idea today. Convert your idea into results. We do the rest.

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Easily create unlimited invoices

Create, send and manage all your invoices (incoming and outgoing). We make it easy for you.

Invoices in your own house style
More control over your turnover and expenses
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